In the realm of Coronation Street, Martin and Robyn presently have a little girl and are living in New Zealand with their little girl Charlotte.

What has been going on with Martin Platt In Corrie? Martin Platt is a Corrie character who left the Street in 2005 to go to Liverpool with his new sweetheart Robyn, and both of them proceeded to have a girl together.

Regardless of this, David and Sarah kept up with their encounters with him, and the name Martin was raised every now and again. After Kylie was killed, David went to remain with him at his condo.

Martin was shocked in 2018 when David suddenly appeared close to home right after the assault that David had endured because of his previous pal Josh Tucker.

David struggled with being forthright and legit with his dad about what had happened. David, notwithstanding, communicated interest in moving to New Zealand after Martin informed him that he was leaving for that country.

David decided to stay in England eventually, and Martin played a part in this choice by visiting him Coronation Street.

Is Actor Sean Wilson Fired? No, the entertainer Sean Wilson was not terminated from the show, despite the fact that he went voluntarily. The entertainer Sean Wilson withdrew the sequential show since he had conflicts with the scholars over where the story was heading down.

He declined to play out a situation in which Martin had a relationship with a young lady who was younger than 18, and he additionally offered the expression at the time that he could never return.

He revealed that they were inconsiderate to him when he was leaving. Regardless of whether there was a nail in his shoe, he would decide to stroll down another road whenever given the decision.

From that point forward, it has been said that Sean’s bosses implored him to return to the road.